Tuesday, October 05, 2004

I know every few days I have an excuse for not posting but this one is legit
Sept 28 - We found out we are off to Georgia and we have to be there before the end of the month. So I scrtambled and started planning move stuff
Thursday - nothing as far as the move changed but hubbs timeline for getting home changed greatly I realized I had to basically do everything myself and almost had a break down. I even made it to coffee where many of my friends were surprised I didnt break down. Even Lynn who has been with her hubbs for quite awhile in the navy said she would have had trouble with all that was hitting me head on. As I was leaving coffee Amanda called and wanted me to take her and baby to ER. I got to her apartment and the baby was turning purple but breathing. At one point I did think she stopped breathing. Of course as soon as we got to the ER the baby was fine. So they sent us home and scheduled an appointment for first thing in the morning. At 2:30 AM I called in sick to work and then called in and talked to a person at 5:30. by 11 on Friday we were back at the hospital. Amanda got some reassuring words and she is now much more secure in her momminess. So that in and of itself made the whole exhausting ordeal worth it.
After all that I went to AAA got my DMV stuff and the maps for our trip to Georgia. I also got my headlight replaced and I am sure I did something more. After one more check on Amanda I went home. Of course couldnt sleep so I packed some.
Saturday I packed everything.
Sunday my friend Christine came down with her husband and we loaded up their truck and went off to throw everything into storage.
Today is Monday. Thankfully I have calmed down but I feel like shit and I am still mad at the husband. I feel like I am breaking my back getting shit done I am totally stressed out and he wanted to help but so I gave him a very important job, procure hotel, line up places to look at when we get there and continue relationships I have already started with realtors. Did he do a damn thing? No in fact he hasnt done a single thing I have asked him to in the last 6 days EXCEPT get his airline ticket and even that he didnt call the airline to see if he could get a discount. I want to ring his neck. He says he has been busy but cant tell me what the fuck he has done. Well what do I do sit on my ass all day. I have been working my ass off getting this arranged taking care of stuff that needs to be done and also holding down my fulltime job. I dont see how hard it is to look shit up online and not have the time. I put 100 miles on my car every couple days not counting work with all the errands I run. A part of me wants to leave it all up to him but that will screw me over too and I know yelling doesnt help ergh I wish he would just help me out. I hate being mad at him but goodness quit being such a lazy bum and do something dammit. We have about 16 days until we leave give or take a few days and he is driving me nuts. this shit cant wait until he gets home

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