Wednesday, October 27, 2004

ugh I just lost everything I wrote and it was a shitload

ok the short version.
Friday was my Grandfathers Funeral. It was nice to see everyone and enjoy the time with them. The service itself was terrible but Gramps didnt want one so I am sure he is in heaven laughing his ass off cos the sermon sucked. For future reference regurgitate, masticate and sheep should not be mentioned in a sermon at least not together. I was so lost. Thankfully afterwards we all reminisced about how much it sucked. Seeing everyone was nice and meeting the new family was also great. I got to visit Grandmas grave as well and I am glad the 3 of them are so close together. Yes we are sad at his passing but like Martha (his fave waitress and friend at Dennys) said t is purely selfish. Now he can sidle up to the bar on 2 good legs with one arm around Betty and one around Grandma and buy the 2 loves of his life a keoke coffee abd tell a great story, all without the pain. Afterwards we went out to dinner with all 25 Roberts' (as the preacher said we were) and it was great. I had a Keoke coffee in rembrance of grandpa and found out they are actually damn tasty. Oh yeah and besides getting our name wrong he also said Gramps fave hang out was Dave and Brewsters not Busters. I am sure I will write more later too but that is all for now.

The next morning we left on our trip. The firsty day we made it to El Paso and in doing so passed fewer Walmarts than I passed everyday on the way to work. Driving into El Paso the Texans through way to many signs at us. There were so many rules shit one sign was so wordy you couldnt read it as you drove by. The was also one that said Observe Signs Its the Law but I swear some said Obsessive signs its the Law. Well in a day and a half we got outta texas (thank gawd) and had little Police trouble. we decided they take Sundays off. Monday took us from Dallas to Atlanta yes it was nuts but we did it. Sat to Elpaso, Sun to Dallas, Mon to Atlanta and today we rolled in about 2pm (yes we left late). Today was frickin crazy or stupid I dont know which. so we get in and go to the Soldier Service Center since we know that is where the army checks in maybe they could give us directions, since we didnt get a sponsor to tell us anything. So the guy at the helpdesk can barely find a map, he sent hubs to Pers where some woman looked at him like he had 2 heads since he was out of uniform, she sent us to the wrong lodging place and then when we got to the right one the help they gave us was a list of hotels in the area. shit they could have given hubbs that 2 weeks ago when he called so we could have reservations. Well thankfully we found a place and it is nice and will has a bed cos he sure as hell wasnt sleeping with us. I am glad he came with us cos the drive would have been hell without him, I think it would have taken us 5 or 6 days without him.

ok I am going to try and post again sorry this is short the other one was so great. ggrrrr argh

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