Saturday, October 16, 2004

yay most of it is over and hubbs is finally home.
Wednesday he missed his flight and then his connection was cancelled but 9 hours after he was supposed to be home he fianlly made it. Unfortunately we still had a ton of stuff to do by 8am. So I put him to work :) By 7:30 am we were down at the storage unit and ready to go. It was a VERY long day but at least the packers seemed to do a good job and I approve of their inventory system. We did learn while the truck was loading that they had forgotten some things but the driver took care of them and was able to tag them himself since the packers did not. The only thing we are taking with us is my fencing mask since it is to risky to not have packed. The driver seemed like a good guy too and I agreed with his assesment of things with a few minor changes :) Hubbs sat there through it all with me. it was nice just to be near him. Then we went to dinner with his parents and got home close to 10 and I passed out. Today is my last day of work. I am looking forward to my "vacation." yes I am calling it a vacation because unemployed makes it very stressful. I will look into a new job after I get to Augusta. Right now I just want the day to end so I can see be with hubbs and have fun with my frineds and family :)

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