Thursday, April 14, 2005

too late again

Yup once again I am up to late. I told hubbs about 2 hours ago I would be in bed in a few minutes now he will be up in 3 hours and I am not even there yet. Elsa is curled up under my desk sound asleep on an old shirt. Usually she is giving me dirty looks long before now. I have a meeting in the morning I REALLY need to be awake for as it is one of the advertising people I am using. I am just not ready to sleep. Dam Myspace and reuniting me with an old bud. I am happy to say she is getting married after being with the same man for 8 years. I admit at first I was worried but they were in school then now they are older and wiser and more power to them, they are obviously great for eachother. ok off to sleep with me really. I will need to get me some Dew in the morning just to wake up. Of course the DP for dinner is probably why I am still up at this hour. I had such a long day today too. Well night time to wake up Elsa and get the evil doggy eye for disturbing her I bet she will be so pissed she will either ignore me and go straight in her crate or do a great big F-U and curlup in the middle of the bed and refuse to move. Good thing she doesnt realive she only weighs 25lbs so I can move her.

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