Thursday, February 07, 2008


First things first how the hell did I get moved to a place where it rarely snows yet I had a snow all weekend, a snow day monday, snow while walking the dogs and a prediction of snow ALL WEEKEND!!! WTF?!!!

Ok now for my own lil Konbini Life. Konbini is Japanese for Convienence Store. And I live right by one of the millions of 7-11s.
We find interesting things there so I took the lead from one of my favorite blogs, Konbini Life, and took a huge variety of food, fixins for Udon, bento boxes of tempura or sushi, sweets, whatever you desire the Konbini has it.
This is my first Konbini goody. I bought it 'cos I wanted Chocolate AND I LOVE the name. There are also Crunky ice cream bars. It is a lot like a Crunch bar but different.
Kit Kat is something special here. Lots of flavors. Too bad I can't seem to find the pic of the one from Super Bowl Monday. This one was Green Tea flavored and it was yummy. It is a normal Kit Kat with Green Tea in the filling.
This is a Choco bun as I call them. The Choco is right and I do not know the name for it. They sell all sorts of these but in the evening you can get Choco in all its gooey yumminess. It is a steamed bun, served hot and damn good. I think the outside is more of a rice than a bread but I really do not know. I also had one the morning we moved in because we had no heat and I was waiting for the rental agent. It was hot and steamy and I think had pork in it, like a giant dumpling. Choco is much better though :D

When there are no Konbini or you just want something to drink, there is always a vending machine about. This is a mecca for vending machines. We saw this group of them in an alley, the glow was angelic and I swear I heard angels.
Here's to a hopefully snow-less weekend

1 comment:

ablykins said...

I love Japanese conveniece stores!! Long gone are the days of American 7-11's where you'll find a 3-day-old hotdogs rolling around on the automatic grill! LOL

I'm a big KitKat nut, and have over 100 different flavors from Japan, Malaysia, and China. They are just too fun!! KitKat hunting can be a really fun hobby here! Just recently in Tokyo there was a salt KitKat! You can visit the Japanese "Break Town" for all the latest KitKat scoop:

Your choko pan looks great! You can find all kinds of "pan" (Japanese for bread) at the local bakeries. My favorite is curry pan; have you seen the new yakisoba pan? It's popular with teenagers, but the taste is a little funky imo. lol What you got kind of looks like choco flavor Char Sui Bao though (traditionally they are filled with BBQ Chinese pork)...yum-looks tasty though! Glad you enjoyed it during this cold winter weather!