I pulled through, it was uneventful and the pups and I got to the beach. The hotel was one step above crack whore hotel but they didnt hassle us about the dogs and it was cheap. Friday they once again tried to keep hubbs from continuing on our journey but I had copies of the "missing" 
paperwork. I finally got to meet my friend Sharon, whom I have talked to online for over 3 years as well as her husband. She tried to kidnap my doggies but it wasn't happening. Weather in VB SUCKED and we just wanted to hit the road. We did go see some lighthouses though at Fort Story.
The drive out of VA was rather pleasant. The leaves were damn pretty.

We also passed a sign for Blacksburg and Christiansburg, VA.

There was also a Waynesboro, VA whic made us scream in terror because we are not headed back to GA for quite some time.
Monday evening we arrived in Bristol, TN.
It was damn cold there. We had dinner with the husband and wife I grew up next to back home. She practically raised me. It was great seeing them again and friggin hysterical to find out that they aren't fans of the east either.
Here are some signs that made me giggle.

Wednesday night found us in Oklahoma City. Man that was a painful drive, it just felt hella long. We ate at a yummy chinese buffett and saw my friend Amanda and her family. I havent seen her daughter since she was a week old and I had never met her husband. It was great and alot of fun. OKC is where the architecture style changed to a style more like what I am used to seeing, it was comforting.

Gaven liked Amanda and her family. In fact he spent the night waiting for them to come back.
Here is a slideshow of OK, it is not much
Thursday (my goodness I have been on the road a week) we headed to Albuquerque. My not-so-cousin gave me a good place to get some real Mexican to try and it was YUMMY! We thought we had finally gotten west of the Waffle House Empire, had not seen one since Amarillo. Well there is one at the hotel in Albuequerque. It was our longest day on the road but not as dull as the day before. Somewhere in Texas, Hardee's changed into Carl's Jr, which made me smile. We stopped at the Largest Cross in the Northern Hemisphere and the Cadillac Ranch.We finally got near the end of our trip. Hubbs I learned loves to take pictures of rocks. We stayed in Williams, AZ which is an awesome little town outside the Grand Canyon. We spent a day at the Canyon. I got food poisoning but thankfully we were on the way back to the hotel. The next morning I still felt like crap but I wanted to get on the road, to get home. So after 11 days on the road we made it to my mother's house. I recovered after a few days and then we headed south to San Diego. So now that is where we are until December. Here are the pictures and the story so people can quit their whinin. :P
Miscellaneous in Arizona, including one of the few living animals we saw. We saw lots of wildlife but little of it was breathing.
Here is the Painted Desert and Petrified Forest. It was BEAUTIFUL and something well worth the detour.
And finally the Grand Canyon